Like every other part of life Covid-19 has had an impact on WWKC and now there are a number of items that must be carried out before taking part in a club activity.
Club Equipment:
- Only two persons are allowed in the boat shed at any one time for the shortest period possible and must try to maintain social distancing while in the boat shed.
- Members borrowing club equipment are responsible for ensuring the safe removal, cleaning and return of the equipment.
- The club equipment (boat, paddle, helmet, buoyancy aid and spray deck) must be sprayed with disinfectant before use and after use. A sprayer and disinfectant tablets (Milton) will be made available for this purpose.
Full protocol document covering the club site, activities and members can be found at WWKC Covid_19 Protocol. Please read it carefully so that you are aware what is expected from yourself and other members.
Club Covid-19 Member declaration form:
Everyone participating:
- Every participant in a training session, course or club trip or activity will have to fill out this on-line declaration form found at WWKC Member Declaration Form.
- This must done no more than three days in advance of when you plan to start your course. Unfortunately, no exceptions will be made to this and there will be no option to fill this out on the spot.
- It is your responsibility to make sure this is filled out on time!
- Each course will require its own completed form so if you are participating in multiple courses you will have to fill this out for each one.
- On the day of each session or trip attendance of exactly who showed up will be taken and kept for at least three weeks after the end of a course or trip.
Activity Organiser
- All organiser’s will need to fill out a risk assessment form found at WWKC Risk Assessment Form in PDF or, if you prefer WWKC Risk Assessment Form in MSWord and return to and the relevant discipline officer.
- If training or running a course and using the same location and facilities this will need be filled out once per block of continuous sessions.
- If planning a river trip this should be filled out for different rivers.
- An attendance sheet to help capture who shows up on the day can be found at WWKC Attendance Sheet.
Any questions on the above please don’t hesitate to ask.