- Club subscriptions are to be forwarded to the club secretary together with completed membership forms.
- Monies received are to be vouched to the individual membership forms by the club secretary.
- The club secretary will either:
- promptly lodge all subscription income to the club’s account and advise the club treasurer of the date and amount of the lodgement; or
- forward the monies received to the club treasurer (having vouched payments to the membership forms) for lodgement to the club’s bank account.
- All such lodgements to be referenced as “Subscriptions” or “Membership” on the bank lodgement slips.
- It is the responsibility of the club secretary to forward a list of all club subscriptions received during the year to the club treasurer. This list is to include an analysis of all subscriptions received for each membership category i.e. adult, junior and family memberships. Any life memberships received are to be disclosed separately.
- Where possible the membership income is to be categorised by the club secretary according to discipline – e.g. GP, K-boating etc.
Boat Space Rental Fees
- Boat space rental fees are to be forwarded to the club secretary who will allocate boat spaces.
- The boat space rental fees are to be lodged by the club secretary to the club’s bank account or handed to the club treasurer for lodgement to the club’s bank account.
- All such lodgements to be referenced as “Boat Space Fees” on the bank lodgement slips.
- The club secretary will maintain a list of all paid-up boat spaces and forward the completed list to the club treasurer in advance of year-end reporting.
- Where possible the boat space income is to be categorised by the club secretary according to discipline.
Beginners’ Courses – L2 Kayak proficiency courses
- A beginners’ course place may be held only on receipt of a deposit agreed by WWKC committee.
- All monies for beginners’ courses are to be forwarded to the beginners’ officers. Such monies constitute club monies.
- The beginners’ officers will lodge all monies received in respect of courses to the club’s bank account and advise the club treasurer of the date and amount of all lodgements.
- All such lodgements are to be referenced as “Beginners” on the bank lodgement slip.
- The beginners’ officers will maintain a list of all new beginners detailing the names of the participants of each course and all monies received for each course. This list is to be forwarded to the club secretary to update membership records and to the club treasurer for a validation check on lodgements to the bank statements.
- The deposit for a beginners’ course fee is non-refundable.
- Once an individual has commenced a beginners’ course the entire fee is non-refundable.
- All reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate an individual on another beginners’ course free of charge, if due to illness, injury or other genuine cause, that individual is no longer able to participate in their original course.
- An existing member of WWKC may attend a beginners’ course as a participant by either:
- paying the membership rate for a beginner for that year, or
- paying a nominal fee to be decided by WWKC committee (providing that said member is either a paid-up member or is in the second year of membership of WWKC).
- WWKC does not propose to pay any instructor or helper working on a beginners’ course. It is suggested that the club run an agreed number of courses to be provided by WWKC instructors and helpers. If additional unsatisfied demand exists, potential paddlers should be directed to alternative providers and advised that they can join the club as members once they have completed their course.
Training Courses – Excludes L2 kayak proficiency courses
- Where a training course is run by a member of WWKC operating in a commercial capacity the funds arising therefrom do not constitute club monies.
- If a need for training exists that cannot be fulfilled by WWKC instructors, an existing member of WWKC operating in a commercial capacity may advertise training courses via the club’s weekly newsletter, the bulletin board and notice boards free of charge on approval by WWKC’s training officer.
- A member running a training course in a commercial capacity is not entitled to claim insurance cover from WWKC’s club insurance policy, and should ensure that they have personal indemnity insurance in place.
- Where a training course is run by a member of WWKC as a WWKC course, the funds arising therefrom (excluding any expenses paid to the instructor) constitute club monies. It is the responsibility of the person running the course to advise the club treasurer of all income and expenditure arising and to ensure that all club monies are either:
- promptly lodged directly by the person running the training course to the club’s bank account, or
- forwarded to the club treasurer for lodgement.
- The allocation of monies earned by the instructors of WWKC in relation to training courses provided should be at the discretion of L3 instructors. Where a request is made by a discipline representative of WWKC in relation to the allocation of club monies generated by that discipline member for a particular club purpose, all reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate such a request.
- For weekend / one day courses (e.g. Level 3 proficiency):
- All courses run should be agreed in advance with the Training Officer.
- WWKC instructors running any weekend or one day course will be provided with EUR€50 per day to cover their expenses.
- These instructors will be covered by WWKC club insurance.
- If a need exists to run a course and no suitable WWKC instructor is available, the Training Officer can approve / organise a course to be run on a commercial basis.
- When a course is being run on a commercial basis, no money generated goes back to the club and the instructor should arrange their own personal liability insurance.
- Discretion should be given to the L3 instructors in the spending of money generated by them in running courses.
- Specific technical courses (i.e. duration up to half a day)
- WWKC instructors running any short course will be provided with EUR€25 per day to cover their expenses.
- If a need exists to run a course and no suitable WWKC instructor is available, the Training Officer can approve / organise a course to be run on a commercial basis.
- When a course is being run on a commercial basis, no money generated goes back to the club and the instructor should arrange their own personal liability insurance.
- Discretion should be given to the L3 instructors in the spending of money generated by them in running courses.
- To encourage more club members to become instructors:
- Everyone of L3 proficiency and above is to be encouraged to see L2/L3 instructorship as a normal progression of their training within the club and as an achievable goal by all.
- Of the income generated by L3 instructors (above) a portion is to be made available for use as a sponsorship fund where the price of a L2/L3 course is an issue standing in the way of a potential trainee signing up for an instructor course.
- The success of the safety and rescue weekend in Kerry in encouraging people to do Instructor training is recognised and it is intended that further training of this nature will continue.
- The pool officer will collect all monies from members and non-members attending the pool for club rolling sessions on a weekly basis.
- The pool officer will lodge all pool monies received to the club’s bank account on a regular basis and advise the club treasurer of the date and amounts of lodgements
- All monies lodged in respect of pool receipts are to be referenced “Pool” on the bank lodgement slips.
- The fundraising officer will advise the club treasurer of all fundraising events in advance.
- The fundraising officer will either lodge the net funds raised or forward same to the club treasurer for lodgement to the club’s bank account.
- Any expenditure incurred in raising the funds is to be advised to the club treasurer and receipted. Such expenditure is to be approved in advance by WWKC committee.
- The club treasurer is to prepare a draft budget detailing projected income and expenditure for the year at the start of the year.
- The draft budget is to be reviewed, discussed and approved by WWKC committee.
- A 3 year rolling budget is to be prepared for the club’s equipment needs following consultation with the various discipline representatives and the club equipment officer.
- WWKC committee is to prioritize and approve the order of expenditure on club equipment.
- All club equipment expenditure is to be made in accordance with the agreed budget rather than on an ad-hoc basis.
- All requests for club monies must be specific in nature, supported by quotes, fee estimates, receipts etc and be within the scope of the budget agreed by WWKC committee.
- All cheques drawn on WWKC’s bank accounts must be signed by any two of the following:
– Club chairperson
– Club treasurer
– Club secretary
- It is the responsibility of the club treasurer to inform the committee as to the financial position of the club on a regular basis – e.g. quarterly income & expenditure accounts.