Standard Hand Signals for River Communication
Communicating on the river is done with hand signals.
Ground Rules
- Never point to a hazard
- Always return a signal to show you understand
- No signal – no move!!!
Go Signal
With Paddle:

With Hands:

Stop Signal
With Paddle:

With hands:

Everyone Together Signal
Paddler Draws a Circle in the air – From head to Hips

One Person At A Time Signal

Eddy Out Signal
- Draw a circle in the air over your head
- Point to where eddy is

Move Left / Move Right Signal
Move to the left

Move to the right

Toward Me Signal
Signaller makes a ‘Thumbs up’ sign and motions from the deck to their chest

Hurry Up Signal
Raise & lower paddle (Not to be confused with “Go” Signal)

Raise & lower Clinched Fist

Slow Down Signal
Extended arm raised and lowered

Spacing Signals
Group too far apart – “Get closer together”
Group too close together –“Spread Out”
“Warning – Stopper!” Signal
- Raise and open hand
- Clinch your fist
- Open your hand

“Bring a Rope!” Signal
This signal mimics the action of throwing a rope
Are You OK Signal
- If OK reply to this signal as the same signal
- If not OK either do not reply or cross arms over chest

I Dont Understand Signal
Can be used as a reply