General Housekeeping
- Bin Collections
The timetable for bin collections is on the noticeboard , if you notice that the bins are full please leave the bin out on the appropriate evening according to the timetable. Just wheel the bin out to the front gate, no bin tag is required. - Clean Changing Rooms
Please clean down changing room after use. In particular squeegee down floors to prevent damp. If you are last to leave changing room please leave changing room door open to allow air to circulate. - Kitchen & upstairs meeting room
Please leave both these rooms as you find them in particular wash any crockery used and dispose of all rubbish properly. - Reporting repairs
If you notice something that needs repair in the clubhouse please notify the site officer at don
t assume that they already know about the issue.
Security & Parking
- Access gates to the clubhouse should be locked at all times.
- Clubhouse or boatsheds should not be left jammed open and unattended at any time, anyone repeatedly doing this will have their fob deactivated.
- If you are last to leave the clubhouse please have a look around and ensure that all access routes are closed especially toilet and changing rooms windows. Also check that all heaters and lights are turned off.
- Parking cars on-site is not permitted. Please park in the Anglers Rest car park, as parking on the road outside the clubhouse inconveniences our neighbours.
The club has invested in equipment for the benefit of the members over the years. This includes maintenance equipment from lawn mowers and hedge trimmers to gym equipment stored in the upstairs meeting room. All of this equipment is for use on-site only and is not to be removed off-site without the approval of the secretary or treasurer.
Club paddling equipment is the responsibility of the relevant discipline officer and any queries in relation paddling equipment should be directed to them.
WWKC Boat Space Policy
- Priority storage is for WWKC club boats, but club fleet expansion should not deprive a member of an existing space.
- Discipline officers are to assign available boat space permits on a first come, first served basis.
- In keeping with the first come, first served policy, historical priority applies when a member promptly renews their membership & permit.
- When space supply allows, a member may be granted multiple permits, subject to the condition that multiple permit holders have historical priority on one permit only.
- Discipline officers should inform members promptly of the space(s) corresponding to their permit and this should be clearly marked on a printed boat-space map/table in the corresponding boat shed.
- Where possible and practical, please mark your boat clearly with the owner’s name. The discipline officer will hang a boat space map inside the storage shed detailing your allocated storage space. Once assigned, you must ensure your boat is stored in the correct boat space.
- Where permit demand exceeds supply, a wait list is to be maintained.
Intruder Boats
- An intruder boat is a boat parked without an appropriate permit or known payment.
- Intruder boats may be clamped or taken to offsite storage.
- The clamp release fee for an intruder boat is the same as the annual boat space fee.
- The release from storage fee for a removed intruder boat is double the annual boat space fee.
- After three months, unclaimed boats may be sold to pay for storage.
Note: this policy is modelled on legal/illegal car parking practice.
WWKC operates on a volunteer ethos.
Please report intruder boats to the discipline officer and secretary. If you have a query, ask
Unauthorised removal of club property is a disciplinary offence.